Jackie Katanga

Jackie Katanga

Last seen: 2026 years ago

Member since Sep 2, 2021

10 Interesting Facts About Ugandans

There is something to be said about 43 different tribes of people who form one n...

How to Plan for a Regular Day in Uganda: the Ultimate G...

One of the most important phrases ever said was: Expect the Unexpected. And tha...

What Can Uganda Tell Us at 59?

This week is her 59th birthday, and Uganda in all her independent glory, tells w...

10 Valid Reasons to Always be Late in Uganda

Better late than never. Haraka haraka si muendo.  (Kiswahili. Hurry, hurry is n...

Art is the Way: Mbowa’s Art Leads the Soul

Moses is a multifaceted artist: Poet, Singer/Songwriter, Guitarist, Painter, Act...


Who will you see on your next visit? What will they say to you? What will you ea...