Besides game viewing which is incontrovertibly the main sightseer exertion that attracts tourists to Kidepo Valley National Park, tourists can actually engage in a cultural encounter to spice up the safari to this remote destination.

Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated public demesne, but the many who make the long trip north through the wild frontier region of Karamoja would agree that it's also the most magnific, for Kidepo ranks among Africa’s finest nature. From Apoka, in the heart of the demesne, a savannah geography extends far beyond the gazetted area, towards midairs outlined by distant mountain ranges.
Kidepo Valley National Park is positioned in the North-eastern side of Uganda, skirting South Sudan and Kenya. It was gazetted in 1962 and is nestled in a ruggedsemi-arid Valley extending for 1442 square kilometers ( hectares). It's characterized by different territories similar as the open champaign Riparian forestland, rocky determinedness outcrops,semi-desert diminutives, long and short champaigns and open nuisance backwoods which offer sanctum to different wildlife and raspberry species worth exploring during safaris in Uganda.
Besides over 77 species of mammals and 475 species of catcalls, Kidepo Valley National Park is a home to the Karamojongs who present an exceptional artistic experience for excursionists who visit this Demesne for a safari, and the notable bone being the Lorokul Cultural group. The notorious legionnaire and cattle rearing Karamojongs inhabit the North-eastern side of Uganda in an area enwrapping one-tenth of Uganda. This region is also home to several extraordinary wildlife species similar as the Cheetahs, African Wild pussycats, Caracal, Aardwolf, the Bat-eared fox and the African Hunting tykes among others, that can not be encountered in other National Parks in Uganda.
When you visit this remote National Park, you'll get the chance to explore the exceptional artistic traditions and cultures of this remote lineage within the Lorokul Cultural Group, plant at the edge of Kidepo Valley National Park. The main livelihood of these people is cattle rearing (herding of cattle) hence their artistic and social significance will all be explored and explained as you shoulder a community walk in the company of the original attendants.
This community walk leads tourists to the traditional Karamojong Manyattas ( homesteads), cattle enclosures and granaries with some of their traditional foodstuffs. You'll also learn how the original communities make their different globules worn on their necks and middles. You'll get to prepare and taste their original cookeries that substantially comprise of meat, milk or blood because their entire livelihood entirely depends on cattle.
The walk leads you to the Karamojong King, who'll recite some of the lineage’s myth and traditional beliefs including marriage and bridegroom price. The highlight of the walk is enjoying the amping traditional dances.
In conclusion, the Lorokul Cultural Group is an exceptional cultural encounter near Uganda Kidepo Valley National Park. This artistic experience allows excursionists to explore Karamajong Manyattas, Cattle enclosures and granaries as well as offering a chance to learn how the locals make their artistic globules, taste their succulent original cookeries and indeed meet the Karamajong King who'll recite about the lineage’s legends and beliefs. With such an intriguing experience, your Uganda safari will completely be indelible.
How to get to Kidepo Valley National Park
Driving is more satisfying as vast corridor of Karamoja are scenic and total nature. Still road conditions are occasionally delicate and 4- wheel drive vehicles (4WD) are recommended. Callers should note that the road substantially in use from Kotido to Kaabong passes via Kanawauat. Callers intending to travel by road are advised to communicate UWA headquarters to seek advice about conditions and safety on the roads.
Air Transport Chartered aircraft are available from Entebbe International Airport to the Park Headquarters. The Civil Aviation Authority manages an heliport at Loma about 3 km south of the Park Headquarters. For your chartered breakouts please communicate United Airlines,
P.O Box 246000 Tel256-41-349841/ 2
At the Park itself, there are 16 tone- contained baches at Apoka Rest Camp. There's also a hotel comprising 14 bandas each with two beds; these bandas aren't tone contained. Both Apoka Lodge and the Bandas are managed by the demesne.
Make your reservations through Uganda Wildlife Authority Headquarters in Kampala.
For visitors who like camping, the demesne has two‘ Do it yourself’ campgrounds. You must bring your tent and other camping outfit.
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