
A reedbuck is a medium-sized, rusty-brown antelope (of the family Bovidae). The term "reedbuck" really refers to three different species. The mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) only lives in the grasslands of Kidepo Valley. The Bohor reedbuck (pictured male) lives in Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, and Lake Mburo National Parks.

Oct 16, 2022 - 23:15

African antelopes of the species Redunca are commonly referred to as reedbucks.

Reedbucks are a rusty brown colour.

In the genus Reedbuck, there are three recognised species:

1.  Southern reedbuck

The southern reedbuck, also known as the rietbok or common reedbuck, is a diurnal antelope (Redunca arundinum).

The southern reedbuck is the largest of the Redunca antelopes.

The coat has a velvety, nearly wool-like texture. The colour of the coat can be anywhere from light to greyish brown, with lighter areas on the neck and chest. At the back of each ear is a small, naked, black glandular area. The underbelly and the area around the mouth and chin are furred with white. The underside of the tail is white, and it is short and bushy looking.

Horns appear on only males at about 6 months of age. The horns are V-shaped and develop to be 30–45 cm in length with prominent ridges. Horns project from the skull, curling up and outward at the end, and point backwards at an angle.


2. The mountain reedbuck.

Redunca fulvorufula is a type of antelope that lives in the mountains. It is often called the mountain reedbuck.

Its body is grey, its belly is white, and its head and shoulders are a rusty brown colour. The male has horns that are around 15.2 cm (6.0 in) in length and bend forward. Both sexes have a dark area under their ears that can be used to detect odours.


3.  Bohor reedbuck.

One species of antelope found only in central Africa is the bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca). We classify this creature as belonging to the family Bovidae and the genus Redunca.

In terms of antelope size, the bohor reedbuck falls somewhere in the middle.

The coat colour of this sturdy antelope ranges from pale yellow to a neutral grey-brown. The bohor reedbuck is typically more yellow in coloration than other reedbucks. The smell and greasiness come from the thick sebaceous glands that are evenly spread across the coat. Youths have darker skin tones and longer hair than their elders. The undersides are white. A dark stripe runs down the front of each foreleg, there are white spots under the tail, and there is a paler ring of hair around the eyes, mouth, and upper throat.


Reedbuck sighting locations in Uganda

The mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) is a grey-brown antelope with short crescent-shaped horns that is exclusive to Kidepo but rarely seen outside of the park.

In contrast, the Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca) is found in all four of Uganda's savanna national parks: Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, and Lake Mburo

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