Tag: carnivores

The Lion

Most African countries hold lions in high regard as emblems of bravery and valou...

African Wild Cat

The domestic tabby, which has grey spots and dark stripes, looks a lot like the ...

African Golden Cat

Most populations of the African Golden Cat are found in humid tropical woods. Ho...

Spotted hyena

The most spotted hyenas live in Uganda's Mgahinga National Park's mountainous fo...


Leopards have been seen in Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, Lake...


The side-striped jackal is the most common of Uganda's savannah dog species; it ...

Honey Badger

The honey badger is a fierce small animal that can take down and devour even the...


There are roughly 14 different species of genets, each with a unique habitat and...


On the savanna plain, the cheetah is a fascinating wild cat to observe. The nort...

African Otters

Three distinct species of African otters, which are well-known aquatic predators...

African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus)

The long-legged African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) has large bat-like ears and a m...

The African Civet (Civettictis civetta)

Civets are common in most wooded habitats in Uganda's national parks, but they a...