Tag: primates

Vervet Monkey

The vervet monkey is a black-faced primate that ranges in size from medium to gi...

The mountain gorilla

Uganda is home to one species of gorilla, and that species is the critically end...

The Red-Tailed monkey

In Uganda, the red-tailed monkey is one of the most common guenom primate specie...

Red Colobus

The Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is a popular place for people in Uganda to see red ...


The potto is a medium-sized nocturnal primate that resembles a sloth and lives i...

Patas monkey

On a safari game drive in Kidepo Valley and Murchison Falls National Park in Uga...

L'Hoest's Monkey

Semi-terrestrial L'Hoest's monkeys only live in lowland, submontane, and montane...

Grey-cheeked Mangabey

The grey-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) is a tiny, hairy monkey that is ...

Golden Monkey

The Virunga Mountains in Central Africa are home to the golden monkey, an extinc...

De Brazza’s monkey

De Brazza's monkey is a magnificent thickset guenon with a short tail, a hairy f...

The chimpanzee

The majority of western Uganda's primary tropical forests are home to chimpanzee...

Bush baby

The bush baby, commonly known as the galago, is a small nocturnal monkey that sp...

Blue monkey

The blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis), despite its name, is not particularly blu...

Black-and-white colobus

This primate can be found in most significant forest sections, including well-de...

The Baboon

The most widely distributed baboon species and the only one to be found in Ugand...