Conservation Organisations in Uganda
Nonprofit chartered institution, foundation, or association founded for the purpose of promoting wildlife conservation. A list of conservation organisations in Uganda

What is a conservation organisation?
A conservation organization is a nonprofit chartered institution, foundation, or association founded for the purpose of promoting wildlife conservation that has established tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Code, as amended. This definition was borrowed from to give you an idea of what this list is about.
Here is a list of Conservation organisations in Uganda;
The Environmental Conservation Trust of Uganda (ECOTRUST)
Uganda Conservation Foundation (UCF)
UCFis a not for profit organisation registered in the UK and Uganda which is dedicated to protecting Uganda’s national parks, protected areas and conservancies. They do this through a range of projects which include:
- Recovering and reconnecting neglected protected areas and supporting the recovery of their wildlife populations
- Mitigating human – wildlife conflict
- Improving livelihoods of communities close to protected areas
Climate Action Network (CAN)
All non-governmental organisations and Community Based Organisations working on climate issues are eligible to join the CAN Network.
You can simply fill in Climate Action Network Uganda Membership Application Form and send it through Email: [email protected] . We will get back to you as soon as a decision is made concerning your application
P.O Box 34485, Kampala-Uganda,
Email: [email protected]
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
LVFO is an institution under the East African Community, with the aim to harmonise, develop and adopt conservation and management measures for the sustainable utilisation of living resources of Lake Victoria, and to optimise socio-economic benefits from the basin for the three partner states; Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The LVFO headquarters are in Jinja, Uganda. LVFO collaborates closely with the national fisheries research institutes in the three partner states.
Address: Plot 7B/E Busoga Square, Bell Avenue
P.O. Box 1625, Jinja, Uganda
Telephone: +256 434 125 000
Email: [email protected]
Mvule Project
The Mvule Project is a non-profit organization founded by Kibo Group International, to promote healthy Western participation in Africa, tangibly reducing the impact of the deforestation while addressing the underlying issues of poverty, injustice and oppression. One of the project's schemes gives Americans an opportunity to buy a tree in Uganda. The income from planting and mainting the trees will then provide income to a rural village which they can then use to dig wells or build schools.
National Environment Management Authority of Uganda
NEMA, is a government agency responsible for the monitoring, coordinating, supervising and regulating the natural environment and the environmental policy of Uganda. NEMA advises the government of Uganda and spearheads the development of environmental policies, regulations, laws, guidelines and standards.
located on Jinja Road, in the Central Division of the city of Kampala.
Endangered Wildlife Conservation Organization ( EWCO )
EWCO is a nonprofit grassroots conservation Organization registered by the Uganda Non Governmental Organizations(NGO) Board in Uganda.(Registration number 2242).
EWCO UGANDA works to ensure the delicate balance between the environments; biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in indigenous communities around protected areas in Uganda.
EWCO works closely with the Uganda Wildlife Authority and conservation partners to achieve our mission through integrated programs of
- Wildlife Health monitoring, Research, and Conservation
- Ranger training and Logistical support to combat poaching
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment for sustainable livelihoods and management of wildlife resources
- Integrated Conservation with Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) and WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) project
Action Coalition on Climate Change (ACCC)
ACCC is a Non-Governmental Organization that was registered by the government of the Republic of Uganda in 2009 to carry out all the activities consistent with its Constitution.
ACCC is currently undertaking a number of activities to ensure that the country is at better trajectory of mitigating and adapting to climatic changes, as well as environmental changes.
Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust (CSWCT)
The Chimpanzee Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Trust (CSWCT) is a non-governmental organization and committed to promote the understanding, appreciation and conservation of chimpanzees and their habitats in particular. CSWCT was established in 1998, and is now a globally recognised collaborative conservation effort, geared towards developing and implementing a long-term strategy for conservation of chimpanzees and their habitat. CSWCT is a recognized entity under the Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities.
24 Lugard Avenue, Entebbe, Uganda
Phone: +256 41 4320662
Fax: +256 414 321 737
E-mail: [email protected]
Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH).
Mountain gorillas are endangered and with only 1,063 remaining in the wild, Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka asked herself how their extinction could be prevented. What resulted was the founding of Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) with other concerned Ugandans. CTPH is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with an innovative methodology that focuses on the interdependence of wildlife and human health in and around Africa’s protected areas. CTPH has three integrated strategic programs: Wildlife Conservation, Community Health and Alternative Livelihoods. Poverty alleviation and improving rural public health will contribute to greater biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in and around Africa’s protected areas.
Plot 3 Mapeera Lane, Uringi Crescent, Entebbe,
P.O Box 75298 Clock Tower, Uganda
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +(256) 787 662 346
The Gorilla Organization
With a fundraising and administration headquarters in London supporting field work in Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo. As well as supporting ranger patrols, their projects include organic farming, tree planting and gorilla-friendly beekeeping. All of these give impoverished communities the opportunity to earn a sustainable income without having to rely on the natural resources found in the gorillas’ forest home. Website:
Email: [email protected]
Friend, a gorilla, c/o Uganda Wildlife Authority
The Uganda Wildlife Authorities’ challenge to the agency was to raise awareness for the plight of the endangered Mountain Gorillas in Western Uganda and raise funds to supports the communities living in the parks. There were 3 key elements to consider:
THE GORILLAS + FUNDRAISING + CALL TO ACTION Which led to the name FRIEND-A-GORILLA The concept: For a minimum of $1, you could sponsor a gorilla by making it your friend. A sponsor also has the option of “gifting” a gorilla to friends & family. The program is open to individual as well as corporate participation
7 Kiira Road, Kamwokya, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4355000 / (031) 2355000
Jane Goodall Institute,, Uganda.
Founded by the renowned primatologist herself, The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is a global non-profit organisation that empowers people to make a difference for all living things. Our work builds on Dr.Goodall’s scientific work and her humanitarian vision.
26 Lugard Avenue, Entebbe.
Tel: (041) 4322777
National Forestry Authority (NFA)
NFA was established under section 52 of The National Forestry and Tree Planting Act and was launched on the 26th April 2004. Forestry policy 2001. NFA is mandated to; “Manage Central Forest Reserves on a sustainable basis and to supply high quality forestry-related products and services to government, local communities and the private sector".
NFA has a vision of being a world-class,global leader in sustainable forest management.A Mission to sustainably manage and develop the country's central forest reserves and to provide quality forestry products and services for the socio-economic development of Uganda.
10/20 Spring Road, Nakawa, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4230365/6
Nature Uganda
NatureUganda develops and implements a range of programme activities aimed at fulfilling her mission
- Promoting the understanding, appreciation and conservation of nature.
Address: Katalima Crescent
Lower Naguru, Kampala, Uganda
P.O.Box 27034, Kampala
Phone: +256 414 540719
Email: [email protected]
Shoebill Stork Foundation
The Shoebill is a large unique waterbird confined to a rather restricted set of generally extensive freshwater swamps of eastern central tropical Africa. It prefers large freshwater swamps of grasses, reeds and papyrus, and thus has been fondly referred to some as “king of the marshes”. It has a fragmented distribution bound to this habitat and a low population, estimated at 5,000 – 8,000 birds. As the Shoebill has clearly been in decline in several areas, it is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List.
49 Nakiwogo Road, Entebbe.
Tel: (031) 2515164
The Rhino Fund Uganda (RFU)
In 1997, Rhino Fund Uganda (RFU) was founded in order to reintroduce rhinos to Uganda. Eastern black and Northern white rhinos had once roamed northern Uganda, but had become extinct after decades of civil war and rampant poaching. RFU thought it was time to bring them back home.
Tel: +256 772 713410
Uganda Wildlife Education Centre
The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Center is a fun and exciting place to see and learn about the animals of Uganda and the ecosystems in which they live. Take some time to learn how they live, eat, play, and walk.
Originally founded in the 1950s to accommodate confiscated and injured wildlife and to look after orphan animals confiscated from smugglers, the centre has grown considerably in recent years. Many say it is destined to become the most important facility to showcase wildlife on the African continent.
Plot 56/57 Lugard Avenue, Entebbe, Uganda
call +256 414 320 520
email [email protected]
Uganda Wildlife Society
Our Goal in Uganda Wildlife Society is enabling wildlife and Environment conservation in Uganda through research , advocacy and policy.
3rd Floor, 1521 Mawanda Road, Kamwokya, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4530891. Fax (041) 4530264
Wildlife Clubs of Uganda (WCU)
The wildlife clubs of Uganda (WCU) is a country wide association of young people’s environmental clubs who are committed to the conservation of Uganda’s natural heritage and the wise use of environmental resources. WCU was founded in 1975 as a non-religious and non-political association that does not discriminate in its membership on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or political differences.
Head Office
Plot 33/55, UMA Show Grounds, Lugogo
P.O.BOX 4595, Kampala
Phone Number: (+256) 393 271 450
Email: [email protected]
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