Nestled in the Nakaseke district of Uganda, the Kapimpini Central Forest Reserve...
Zoka Forest, a component of the larger East Moyo Wildlife Reserve, is situated i...
It was designated a forest reserve in 1968. The reserve covers an area of 1.99 k...
It is a natural forest totaling 663 hectares and is contiguous with Mt. Elgon Na...
Established in 1968, the Taala Central Forest Reserve spans an impressive area o...
Established as a protected area in the Rukungiri District in the Western Region ...
Established in 1963, the Kasagala Central Forest Reserve is a protected area loc...
This forest reserve, despite its numerous threats and challenges, stands as a te...
In 2012, the government introduced the Bukaleba Forest Project. This project foc...
Despite its relatively small size, this forest reserve plays a significant role ...
The reserve is known for its lush vegetation, wildlife species, and ecological s...
The Lutoboka Forest Reserve is a moist evergreen forest at a medium elevation, c...
Mount Kei Central Forest Reserve, formerly known as Mount Kei Rhino Sanctuary, i...
Rwoho Central Forest Reserve is a remarkable testament to Uganda’s commitment to...
Nestled along the Kampala Masaka highway, the Gangu Central Forest Reserve is lo...
This is the story of the Bugamba Central Forest Reserve, a place of beauty and b...